We are delighted to confirm that Lisa Preston will be the Labour candidate in the Windle by-election on Thursday 4 July. Lisa is a local community volunteer who works with a charity in Windle and is a strong campaigner.
Upon receiving the nomination Lisa said “I have always cared about the communities in St Helens and live here with my family. I have a long track record of working with volunteer organisations such as the food pantry, our Food bank and other local groups. Windle needs a strong Labour team in St Helens Town Hall. I have a lot of experience campaigning for the party, championing equality and fighting on issues that matter to you. I would very much be a hands on community councillor and I am really looking forward to bringing my experience to Windle, working alongside Mancyia and Lynn.”
On Thursday 4th July Windle residents will have TWO votes – one for Lisa Preston for the local ward, and one for David Baines for parliament.