Lisa Preston and David Baines.
Lisa Preston and David Baines.

We are delighted to confirm that  Lisa Preston will be the Labour candidate in the Windle by-election on Thursday 4 July. Lisa is a local community volunteer who works with a charity in Windle and is a strong campaigner. 

Upon receiving the nomination Lisa said  “I have always cared about the communities in St Helens and live here with my family. I have a long track record of working with volunteer organisations such as the food pantry, our Food bank and other local groups. Windle needs a strong Labour team in St Helens Town Hall. I have a lot of experience campaigning for the party, championing equality and fighting on issues that matter to you. I would very much be a hands on community councillor and I am really looking forward to bringing my experience to Windle, working alongside Mancyia and Lynn.”

David Baines, Mancyia Uddin, Lisa Preston and Lynn Clark
David, Mancyia, Lisa and Lynn.

On Thursday 4th July Windle residents will have TWO votes – one for Lisa Preston for the local ward, and one for David Baines for parliament. 

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