Lisa Harris
Lisa Harris

St Helens Council have appointed Lisa Harris as new Executive Director of Place Services. Lisa will join us from Cheshire West Council where she is currently Director of Place.

Following on from the appointment of Kath O’Dwyer as new Chief Executive in December, Lisa’s appointment means St Helens Council will have an all-female top tier of senior officers. Kath and Lisa will join Sarah O’Brien (Executive Director of People’s Services) and Cath Fogarty (Executive Director of Corporate Services).

Council leader David Baines said: “I’m delighted to welcome Lisa to St Helens Council. She has a fantastic track record and reputation in local government, and we’re very lucky to have her as part of our all-female top team of executive directors.

Our Place department has huge responsibilities, covering services as diverse as roads and street lighting, recycling and waste, parks and open spaces, and of course regeneration and growth.

These are all vitally important, but Lisa and I are well aware that regeneration of our town centres is a priority. Her experience and skills will be a valuable factor in delivering this.”

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Estates and Communication Kate Groucutt said: “Lisa brings huge experience and I know she’ll be a terrific asset for our Council. It’s very unusual for a Council to have an all-female top team and I’m delighted St Helens is leading the way. Kath, Sarah, Cath and Lisa will be a very strong team and we’re all very excited for the future.”

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