Councillor David Baines, Leader of St Helens Council, has announced the appointment of Labour Group spokespeople to key roles to help support Cabinet members and Council officers in developing policies and addressing key priorities for the borough and the Council. They will also be tasked with looking at what other councils are doing to ensure that St Helens learns from the experiences of others and works jointly with other areas where possible.
The new roles are:
Fighting Poverty: Councillor Andy Bowden
Women and Equalities: Councillor Michelle Sweeney
Climate Change: Councillor Mancyia Uddin
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention: Councillor Paul Lynch
Homelessness: Councillor Paul Pritchard
Industrial Relations and Worker’s Rights: Councillor Pam Howard
David Baines says: “I am delighted to announce these new roles. These represent extremely important issues for St Helens borough, and under my leadership they are extremely important for the Council too.”
Andy Bowden, Group spokesperson for Fighting Poverty, says: “We must do what we can to mitigate the impact of poverty on our communities, to encourage growth and the creation of jobs, and help children and families when they are in need of support.”
Michelle Sweeney, Group spokesperson for Women and Equalities, says: “As a disabled woman I recognise the barriers those from minority groups can face in access to services and employment, and Labour is committed to helping people overcome those barriers and fulfil their potential.”
Mancyia Uddin, Group spokesperson for Climate Change, says: “When it comes to our environment and the planet, we have to do what is right, not what is easy, and we need to play our part here at a local level in St Helens.”
Paul Lynch, Group spokesperson for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, says: “Mental health is a hugely important issue and our Labour Council is committed to taking it seriously, and working with partner agencies to prevent suicide.”
Paul Pritchard, Group spokesperson for Homeslessness, says: “Homelessness is a major issue, visible in the number of rough sleepers on the streets but also hidden in the number of sofa surfers and families in insecure accommodation. The Council has a clear role to play in tackling this situation, including by continuing to work with the voluntary sector to provide support for homeless people.”
Pam Howard, Group spokesperson for Industrial Relations and Worker’s Rights, says: “Labour knows the value of good industrial relations and equitable and fair rights at work for all employees. The role of trade unions is ever more vital in these times of Tory austerity.”
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