2021 Leader’s columns
4th January 2021: New national lockdown and government delay
11th January 2021: Economic Recovery Plan and Labour’s End of Year Review
18th January 2021: Mass vaccination site at Saints
1st February 2021: Town Deal Bid for £38m funding
9th February 2021: Our new Arts Strategy
16th February 2021: Elections going ahead
23rd February 2021: Building back better and our new Borough Strategy
1st March 2021: Chalon Way demolition and regeneration projects
9th March 2021: Council budget and a tribute to our NHS heroes
16th March 2021: Positive news around the borough and award-winning council projects
23rd March 2021: Lockdown anniversary, and building back better
30th March 2021: Improvements to Children’s Services and the Council recognised by DfE and LGA
6th April 2021: Support for businesses reopening, and the upcoming elections
13th April 2021: Effect of lockdown on young people, and supporting local businesses
20th April 2021: Freedom of the Borough for the NHS, and our new volunteer strategy
27th April 2021: International Workers’ Memorial Day
11th May 2021: Local elections response
25th May 2021: Sutton Manor colliery banner, and our library strategy consultation
8th June 2021: National Volunteers’ Week
15th June 2021: Extension of lockdown restrictions and putting blame where it lies
29th June 2021: Armed Forces Day
6th July 2021: The decision to lift restrictions
13th July 2021: The Euros, racism, and The Prime Minister
20th July 2021: What a fantastic week for St Helens – Cabinet, £25m Town Deal funding, and Saints
10th August 2021: Challenging some of the myths about our town centre
17th August 2021: Tackling the Climate Emergency
24th August 2021: Supporting local businesses
7th September 2021: World-first projects underway in the borough
14th September 2021: Response to the government’s social care announcements
21st September 2021: Gamble and Moss Nook progress, and LGA feedback recognising our good work
28th Sept: Our new Place Board to promote regeneration, investment and inclusive growth
5th October: Good luck Saints!
12th October: Town centre plans published
19th October: Our commitment to fighting climate change
26th October: Working with City Region partners to deliver for St Helens
2nd November: Tory budget reveals their skewed priorities
8th November: St Helens and our region leading the way at COP26
16th November: Major projects approved
23rd November: Residents deserve affordable, convenient and reliable public transport
30th November: The Pride of St Helens Awards showcase the best of our borough